Human Resources Consulting
Venus Consulting is responsible for hiring any profile for you … (contracting, telephone interview, physical, presenting the appropriate profile for your research …) we adapt our contracting methods to your needs.

We optimize your recruitments & amp; employment management and
We offer solutions to find and select.
better skills with a focus on
candidate / business
We mobilize the necessary resources to search for potential candidates by optimizing a specific and attractive dissemination and an acute supply accompanied by the activation of a large number of social networks, as well as our group and the consultation of professionals in functions within the framework of a head hunting
Through in-depth individual interviews, after a pre-selection with the support of the personality questionnaire and aptitude tests, which guarantees the identification of strengths and / or weaknesses
You take the BEST DECISION
List of candidates more in line with your expectations, we prepare a complete file for each of them, comments and recommendations of the firm, accompany you during the finalization interviews, take the references, help you choose the decision and the contractualization, and may be present during integration after hiring.
Employment and career management
We are also at your side to
- Find the potentials
- Train your employees
- Valuing your employees
- Brainstorming

We accompany you to enhance your career.
- Looking for a new job
- Your overcoming
- Your coaching
- Your evolution